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We provide trainings all over the United States.
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Cafés are welcoming spaces designed to foster community and open communication among families and early childhood educators. They recognize the wisdom that emerges when people come together, creating opportunities for meaningful dialogue. Rooted in the belief that everyone is the expert of their own experience, Cafés provide a safe environment for open discussions on topics relevant to those who care for children. By focusing on the strengths of families, these gatherings offer a supportive and empowering approach to connection and growth.Topics for cafés include: Early literacy, physical activity, challenging behaviors,and many more!
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Parenting With Purpose
Curricula Concepts offers three parent education sessions that are part of the Parenting with Purpose curriculum. Each hour-and-a-half training session has skills, tips, and strategies that can be customized to meet the unique needs of each family. The sessions are highly interactive and encourage families to talk with each other in a safe environment built on trust and mutual respect.
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Engage Continuum
The Engage Continuum is a professional development series designed to encourage positive, goal-oriented relationships between early childhood educators and families. The classes in this series will teach educators how to build relationships that promote family well-being, strong parent-child relationships, and ongoing learning.
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Move It!
Move It! provides opportunities for preschool educators to explore, understand, and practice aspects of physical development and gross motor skills for children. Participants will learn strategies that support and nurture children’s physical development, health, and learning. Move It! includes:
- Move It! - Yoga in the Classroom
- Move It! - Gross Motor Play
- Move It! - Music and Movement
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Trauma-Informed Yoga
Trauma-Informed Yoga participants who work with children ages 3 to 18 years old about the effects of trauma on brain development and how it can manifest through challenging behaviors in the classroom. Participants will understand the benefits of yoga in general, as well as specific benefits for those who have been exposed to trauma. Participants will be introduced to mindfulness strategies, movement through foundational yoga poses, and breathing exercises in the session. Ultimately, the goal of Trauma-Informed Yoga is the successful implementation in the classroom to nurture children’s physical development and the development of key life skills. (ADE Approved)
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Be Well Care Well
These professionals have a job that is critical - they shape our society’s future as they nurture the developing brain and whole child. However, they can struggle to find time to take care of themselves in the midst of juggling the demands of taking care of others.Caring for, nurturing, and providing a stable environment for children all day, every day takes a great deal of energy and it can be difficult to recharge. Caregivers who are experiencing high levels of stress, depression, and anxiety are less likely to have positive, supportive interactions with children and are more likely to expel a child from the preschool program.
Visit bewellcarewell.com
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REACH is six-part series plus two director workshops focused on supporting key life skills for children and supporting nurturing teacher-child interactions. REACH provides training sessions at times that fit your schedule, toolkits with items to practice the skills and concepts taught, and personalized coaching through classroom visits, texts, and emails.
REACH includes:
- Director Workshops 1 and 2
- A Nurturing Relationship With Every Child: Laying the Groundwork for Good Behavior
- Routines, Schedules, and Rituals: Tools for Effective Behavior Guidance
- Talking About Feelings and Solving Problems
- Positive Attention: How to Use it Effectively to Increase Good Behavior
- Choices: Giving Children the Power to “Be Good”
- Advanced Strategies: What to do when a Child Needs Extra Help
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REACHing Parents
REACHing Parents is a six-part series focused on supporting parent-child interaction and fostering real-world skills that children need to be successful. Research says that children who practice these skills in the early years have better behavior now and more success in elementary and beyond.
REACHing Parents includes:
- Lesson 1: Best Homework for School Success
- Lesson 2: Rituals and Routines
- Lesson 3: Solving Problems Peacefully
- Lesson 4: Positive Attention Boosts Self-Esteem and Good Behavior
- Lesson 5: Rules, Values, and Choices
- Lesson 6: Extra Help
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Nutrition and Physical Activity
Curricula Concepts offers learning opportunities and support for best practices in the following areas:
- Physical Activity for Infants Through Adults
- Child Nutrition
- Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding
- Managing Screen Time
Trainings are available for both early childhood educators and families depending on the topic.
Trainings include:
- Infant & Child Physical Activity
- Child Nutrition
- Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding
- Managing Screen Time
Move, Play, Grow: Nurturing Child Development through Physical Activity
Physical Activity in the Workplace
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Go NAPSACC is an online platform childcare providers can access to help improve the health of young children through practices, policies, and environments that instill habits supporting lifelong health and well-being. Go NAPSACC offers 35 hours of self-paced PDR training opportunities in the following areas:
Trainings include:
- Child Nutrition
- Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding
- Infant and Child Physical Activity
- Farm to ECE
- Oral Health
- Screen Time
- Outdoor Play and Learning
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Training Calendar
For online trainings the expectation is that participants will have the capabilities to interact and participate using video as well as audio.
Credit for the training cannot be guaranteed for late arrivals or for participants who leave early.